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Retrospective 2021 – Successful kick-off for OMDF

15 March 2022


Since the first grant application window closed in December 2020, more than 44,000 eligible products have been submitted by OMDF grant recipients. The majority of products distributed (77%) have more than one light point. Nearly all distributions (93%) were accompanied by consumer financing, either through microcredit (22%) or pay-as-you-go (71%). The end customers are mainly […]

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SOLARPLEXUS – new beneficiary of OMDF’s Result based facility

07 March 2023


We are pleased to announce that the signing of the grant contract with SOLARPLEXUS Madagascar has been successfully concluded. Founded in 2016, SOLARPLEXUS is a company initially based in La Reunion and aims to provide solutions for developing countries in the renewable energy and pre-electrification sector in rural areas. The company, along with its subsidiary […]

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ANKA Madagascar – new beneficiary of OMDF’s Result based facility

07 March 2023


We are pleased to announce that the signing of the grant contract with ANKA Madagascar has been successfully concluded. It is the 17th company to benefit from the WOSF grant ANKA Madagascar’s main objective is rural electrification via solar mini grids. To reach remote customers in its intervention areas, ANKA distributes solar lamps. The window […]

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YELLOW – new beneficiary of OMDF’s Result based facility

07 March 2023


OMDF is delighted to announce a new grant recipient Established in 2018, Yellow is present in several African countries such as Malawi, Rwanda, Zambia and Uganda. The company is active in the distribution of SHS products and smartphones. The company contributes, through its activity, to the acceleration of digitalization and development in the countries where […]

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Sales of quality solar product in Madagascar reach all-time high

26 August 2022


Since the first grant application window closed in December 2020, more than 73,000 eligible products have been submitted by OMDF grant recipients, out of which more than 15,000 distributions were made in the second quarter of 2022. June 2022 was the best-selling month so far with more than 6,000 eligible distributions, an increase of almost […]

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ANKA Madagascar – new beneficiary of OMDF’s RBF facility

21 July 2022


We are pleased to announce the signature of a grant contract with ANKA Madagascar. It is the 17th company to benefit from OMDF’s grant. ANKA Madagascar’s main objective is rural electrification via solar mini grids. To reach remote customers in its intervention areas, ANKA distributes solar lamps. The window for submitting grant applications will remain […]

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OMDF 2.0 – update of the RBF facility

14 July 2022


In order to improve OMDF’s offer and taking into account the development of the market, OMDF made changes to its RBF facility. These changes concern in particular the eligibility criteria and the calculation of grants. In particular, the changes concern: Products with less than 200 lumen-hours are now eligible.Products that are sold with additional appliances […]

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